英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 09:46:20
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. be part of

e.g. This problem inheres in the design

Synonym: inhere in

2. be present or associated with an event or entity

e.g. French fries come with the hamburger
heart attacks are accompanied by distruction of heart tissue
fish usually goes with white wine
this kind of vein accompanies certain arteries

Synonym: accompanycome withgo with

1. 连接到:利用 Task Center 可以自动化一般数据库任务的执行和实现一些条件逻辑. 如果您收到这样一条错误消息,它指出您需要连接到(attach to)一个实例,那么选择要针对的实例,在其上点击右键并选择 'Attach',如图 20 所示:

2. attach to在线翻译

2. 使依恋:2.Thornfield 桑费尔德,主人公罗切斯特居住的庄园 | 3.attach to 使依恋 | 4.part vi. 分开;分离

3. attach to

3. 附属于,隶属于:ask for请求,要求 | attach to附属于,隶属于 | begin with从开始


4. 附属于:be taken up with 占去(时间),开始从事,计论 | attach ... to 附属于 | attach importance to 认为...很重要

She trying to come up with a lable to attach to nutria fashions to show it is eco-friendly.(她试图想出一个标签,贴在nutria时装上,以显示它是环保的。)
Attributions are the reasons we attach to our own and other's behaviour, what we see as its cause.(归因是我们对自己或他人行为的解释,我们把它当作(作出行为的)原因。)
Other harnesses attach to a standard car seat belt, with the other end secured around the dog's torso.(其它还有种设施是与标准的汽车安全带相连,同时另一端绑在它们身上来保证安全。)
Most things we attach to our walls are fixed, not fluid, and cannot be easily moved or changed.(通常我们挂在墙上的东西都是固定的,而不是流动,且不会轻易改动。)
Lectins -- sugar-binding proteinsfound in plants -- can identify and attach to foreign invaders.(凝集素--植物中与糖结合的蛋白--可以识别并附着在外来入侵病毒细菌。)
No one is suggesting that any health risks attach to this product.(没有人指出这个产品可能会危害健康。)
Persistent storage is a storage that you can order and attach to an instance during the instance-creation process.(持久性存储是您在创建实例过程中可以使用并附加给实例的存储。)
The bacteria swim towards soldier nanobots, where they attach to the nanobots and then download their DNA message.(细菌游到纳米机器人士兵那里并依附他们,士兵下载DNA消息。)
The more associations I can attach to a word or phrase, the easier it is to remember.(我将一个词或短语联系的越多,就越容易记住。)
The mongrels attach to a single database server.(混合实例附加到一个数据库服务器上。)
attach to是什么意思 attach to在线翻译 attach to什么意思 attach to的意思 attach to的翻译 attach to的解释 attach to的发音 attach to的同义词